Your Donation Makes a Difference!

As a charter school, every donation really makes an impact, no matter the size. Please consider making a donation every month or even just a few times a year. SMCS counts on this funding to maintain a high-quality program.

Monthly Donations

SMCS requests a $60 per month/per child donation for all families that do not pay tuition and do not qualify for free or reduced lunch. This is an important part of our annual fundraising which allows us to pay and retain high-quality teachers and remain financially sound. Every dollar counts, we will take whatever amount you feel you can give. You can mail or drop your payment off at the I Street or the E. 5th St offices (or the drop boxes) or you can make a donation by clicking the link above. If you’re interested in automatic deposit, please contact Hanley.

One-Time Donations

If you are interested in making a one-time donation to support rural Montessori education, please click the link above to submit your donation. Grandparents and friends of Montessori, anyone is welcome to submit a donation. All monies received go towards furthering our mission and spreading the seeds of peace education throughout the world, one child at a time.

Thank you for your donation!