New Student Applications & Enrollment
We use an automated system, Lotterease, for our lottery and enrollment process.
See below for information about the application, lottery, and enrollment process for new students:

We use an automated system, Lotterease, for our lottery and enrollment process.
See below for information about the application, lottery, and enrollment process for new students:
For the 2024-2025 School Year:
All applications received between April 1st, 2024, and January 15th, 2025, are added to the waitlist for the 2024-2025 school year in the order received.
For the 2025-2026 School Year:
The Lotterease online lottery registration site will reopen on February 3rd, 2025 for the 2025-2026 Lottery, which will be held on April 2nd, 2025! Applications for the 2025-2026 Lottery must be received between 9 a.m. February 3rd, 2025, and 3 p.m. March 31st, 2025, MST.
To Apply:
Please click on the button above to access the SMCS Lotterease Registration page. This will enter your student into the SMCS lottery or add you to the waitlist after the lottery is concluded.
Please note: We need one application for each student applying.
Enrollment forms will be available to you once you've been notified of your child's admittance to SMCS.
Please read carefully, as requirements are different for new preschool K-8 students.
If your child will be attending a Toddler House or Children's House classroom for the 2025-2026 school year...
A. Complete the New Enrollment Form* on Enrollease by April 17th, 2025, or within two weeks of admittance.
B. Also, complete the Preschool Contract/Program Agreement Form* on Enrollease by April 17th, 2025, or within two weeks of admittance. This form includes your preschool student's program cost and payment plan information.
If your child will be attending Kindergarten - 8th Grade for the 2025-2026 school year...
A. Complete the New Enrollment Form* on Enrollease by April 17th, 2025, or within two weeks of admittance.
*Failure to submit the required form(s) by their due date will result in loss of placement at SMCS. (If you need a paper copy, please contact Courtney Landry.)
Please read carefully, as fee requirements differ for new preschool and K-8 students.
If your child will be in a Toddler House or Children's House classroom for the 2025-2026 school year...
A $250 Deposit Fee* is due within two weeks of admittance.** Deposits are non-refundable and become the yearly supply fee for preschool students.
If your child will be in a Kindergarten - 8th Grade classroom for the 2025-2026 school year...
A $150 Supply Fee* is due within two weeks of admittance.** Supply Fees are non-refundable. We ask for this fee in lieu of asking you to buy school supplies.
*If this fee presents a hardship for your family, please contact the Head of School, Courtney Landry, or the business manager, Hanley Harvey. (This fee is waived for families qualifying for Free or Reduced Lunches.)
**Failure to submit the required payment within two weeks of admittance will result in loss of placement at SMCS.
Please remember to submit the following by August 1st or before your child attends SMCS, whichever comes first.
A. Health Appraisal Form* Please print the Health Appraisal Form and take it to the doctor. We request an annually updated Health Appraisal Form for all students, to be completed by you and your child’s physician. As per The Colorado Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations, this form is required on or before August 1st, for all preschool students and students 6, 9, and 12 years of age. (Health Appraisal Form must be completed by a parent AND a physician).
B. Immunization Record (obtain from doctor's office) or Exemption Form* Up-to-date immunization records must be received on or before August 1st for all students. Please note: your student may not be permitted to attend on the first day of school without an updated copy of their immunization record. Please upload your child's immunization record (or if exempt, your child's CDPHE exemption document).
Click here for information regarding Immunization Requirements
C. Copy of your child's current Health Insurance Card or Health Insurance Form. If your child is not currently covered by health insurance or if you do not have a copy of their insurance card, please complete the Health Insurance Form by August 1st. (If this has not changed recently, you may have already completed this step during the enrollment/re-enrollment process).
D. For students with allergies, risk of anaphylaxis, asthma, or who need to receive over-the-counter or prescription medication during the school day, please have your doctor complete the following required forms (if applicable). Asthma Care Plan and/or Allergy/Anaphylaxis Care Plan
Please upload any required documents to your child's enrollment/re-enrollment form in Enrollease. Alternatively, you may email your child's vaccine record, health appraisal form, and any other health-related documents to our School Nurse, and we will upload them for you.
*You will not be permitted to attend school until the required forms are received. If you need to schedule your appointment later, due to insurance timing, please notify the school nurse of your appointment date.
If you are interested in applying for Early Access to Kindergarten or 1st Grade, your Application and Application Portfolio must be received by February 3rd, 2025. Visit the Gifted and Talented page for detailed information and instructions. Children turning five before August 1st do not need to apply for Early Access for Kindergarten.
When you see the Lotterease Seal on a school website, you can be confident that your application will be included in the school lottery in a fair and transparent way. That is because Lotterease is an independent automated lottery system that the school uses to manage its lottery and waitlist. Since Lotterease is an independent system, the school staff do not have the ability to manipulate or adjust the lottery outcome. They must work within the requirements of the system.
In addition, all activity that takes place with your application is tracked in a history log that you can view at any time by logging into the parent portal. If the school you want your child to attend displays the Lotterease Seal of Transparency and Fairness, you can rest assured that your child will get a fair chance to attend the school.