Student Data Privacy at SMCS
Salida Montessori Charter School takes protecting the privacy of all individuals in our community seriously. Because information exchange in digital environments is an inherent part of our lives, federal and state governments require certain protections through several laws and statutes that affect schools. SMCS adheres to the legal requirements for protecting student data.
Student data is defined as any information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies a student or the student's parent/guardian. When such information is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by a public education entity, either directly or through a service provider, the public education entity is required to take certain steps to ensure that privacy is maintained. Data collected by SMCS meets specific policy, practice, and service needs. Only authorized individuals have access to the data. Examples of student data include: demographics, test scores, attendance, learning and behavioral intervention plans, course transcripts, graduation status, etc.
Colorado's Student Data Transparency and Security Act was passed in 2016. The expectations outlined in the statute are required to be in place by December 31st, 2017. Additional information is available on the Colorado Department of Education’s Website.
Below you will find links to a list of vendors and on-demand providers used by SMCS as well as information related to CDE collections and information we collect beyond that collected by the CDE.
For questions please contact the SMCS front office.